Dear Levi.
Thank you very much for your well-presented and sharp overview of the social responsibility that our teachers have to our students. Specifically, I would like to congratulate you on four points.
1.Your clarity combined with your passion truly inspired our teachers to make practical changes tomorrow.
2. The bite size titles in conjunction with your practical anecdotes, are instantly doable and empowering to all level Mechanchim Veterans and novices alike.
3. Your knowledge, preparedness, and profound reading of a Chabad/ Frum Moised really helped the teachers realize how connected this is to their role as an educator of the future of Klal Yisroel and how this must be their number one priority.
4. The message was clear and practical, do not defer a problem to others as you have the tools, knowledge and responsibility to help your student.
Looking forward to sharing with you the practical transformation our school will implement bezrat Hashem.
Yashar Koach
Rabbi Shmuel Geisinsky
Mejine Lemesivte/Educational Leader
Buenos Aires, Argentina
I highly recommend this course. The content is amazing, and you really get an all-around perspective and method of how to be the best teacher that you can be. I can’t wait to implement what I learned into my classroom!
Rabbi Mendel Greenwald
Montreal QC, Grade 4
Get inspired and informed by being part of this amazing game changing course. Learn from someone who actually is in the classroom and gets it! Not fluff. Real advice and practical tips. I’ve been in the classroom for 18 years and still found it interesting, inspiring and empowering!
Rabbi Benyomin Simpson
Airmont, NY, Grade 6
this course is great for both new teachers and experienced teachers. there is so much wealth here and Rabbi feldman keeps it clear where it may be too much for a new teacher and keeps options how to start off and add on more as you are ready.
Rabbi Chaim Lipszyc
Brooklyn, NY, Grade 1
This course taught us how to maintain a very-positive and healthy relationship with every student. Even with those who may have behavioral or academic challenges. It taught us how to build a classroom environment which is both warm and energetic, and where every student matters and feels cared for. This course prepares and empowers you to be able to walk into the classroom with dignity, confidence and strength. We got this, and with Hashem's help we are going to be matzliach!
Rabbi Levi Ginsberg
Brooklyn NY, Grade 8
The "Art of Chinuch" will really enhance your Chinuch whether you are a new or a veteran Mechanech. I'm convinced that you'll learn new things and get many ideas how to use better the old tips you already knew. It's also very inspiring! The amount of information and topics discussed is unbelievable! Best course in Chinuch I ever took by far
Rabbi Zalman Hendel
Montreal QC, Grade 3
it's real material and guidance, from a real teacher, in a real classroom - the best way to learn.
Rabbi M.M. Galperin
Miami, FL, Grade 4
It is a phenomenal course. It is not a typical course that only targets specific issues. It is a foundational course on being an educator, it will most likely shift your perspective on how you view your students, and will re-direct you on to a more loving relationship with them. The techniques you will learn, will bez"H help you feel more secure in your teaching and will help you enjoy it more.
Rabbi Levi Zirkind
Brooklyn NY, Grade 7
This course is a must for teachers- beginners or experienced to get effective tools in creating an atmosphere of learning and connection with each and every student, parents and with the class as a whole. There is always room to grow in your professional development.
Mrs. Bassie Rosenfeld
Daytona Beach, FL, Grade 1
This has been an absolute shift in perspective on chinuch. I haven’t learnt so much in any other course or place. R Feldman is an absolute dugma chaya for all the teachers out there and has incredible amount of information to share that has been practically worked out and checked by years of experience. I am expressly happy I took this course and there is so much I want to implement. I also loved that R Feldman bases his course on teachings of the Rebbe and this chassidishe outlook of a balance between chesed and gvurah is what we need to give to our students. I am also extremely grateful that R Feldman was available for all questions that we had during the day. His genuine care and attention is very important and inspiring. Thank you R Feldman!
Ms. Esther Granovskaya
Brooklyn NY, Grade 8
Rabbi Feldman really understands what teachers experience and how to best create a positive classroom dynamic, including in large high school classrooms. He works with each teacher to tailor a practical solution for his or her particular experience. He infuses his classes with an inspiring passion for chinuch that can remind teachers why they chose chinuch in the first place.
Ms. Shayna Otis.
Brooklyn, NY, Grade 10
The Art of Chinuch Summer Intensive Course is an investment which will transform you in many ways. It will shift your perspective of chinuch and of your students, enabling your students to learn better and have an enhanced learning experience in school, even the toughest students. It will give you the necessary tools to approach challenges in the classroom with excitement, seeing them as an opportunity rather than a night mare. It will enable you to understand the people around you from a different angle and communicate effectively, even with your own children. I am looking forward to completing the second section of the course at the Summer Intensive Course next year. My only regret is that I have to wait so long for section 2.
Ms. Mushkey S.
London, UK, Grade 7
Attending the course given by Rabbi Feldman should be mandatory for all teachers. Especially those with years and decades of classroom experience. You are guaranteed to gain tons of practical, doable and down to earth tools to take you to the next level.
It is very rare that you get a teaching course from a teacher with many years of experience who is still teaching full time in the classroom.
An added bonus is Rabbi Feldman’s passion, excitement and love for the teaching job and the students. It is infectious! You are guaranteed to leave the course with added excitement love and passion.
Rabbi Yosef Wolowik
Los Angeles, CA
Rabbi Feldman, here's feedback coming from a wife.
I cannot thank you enough for what you've done for my husband and by extension for our entire family.
There's no question that when a man struggles in his teaching it can affect the sholom bayis.
In our case, my husband was so unhappy in his work, he wanted to quit and move somewhere else.
Thank you for being the shliach to turn things around. I honestly didn't believe it could be so good. I am extremely grateful to you.
As a first-year teacher, jumping into school was, as you can imagine, a daunting pursuit. But, allow me to describe to you the relief I felt after the first day of school when I realized that throughout the day, what kept things running smoothly were the reminders, tips, and tools that I had gained from Rabbi Feldman's classes. They raced through my mind at just the right moments... I hadn't even realized how much I had learned and practically gained until I saw myself applying it!
Clearly, Rabbi Feldman's Positive Discipline model, along with his eloquent, clear, and patient way of giving it over works. Really well.
Leah Deren
Pittsburgh, PA
This is the real deal hands on!
Last summer was amazing and I'm looking forward for the coming one as well! This is something that every Mechanech should definitely take advantage of by attending at least once and again every summer for a recharge, there's always something new you'll be going away with that you can implement in your classroom for the coming year!
Yasher Koach Rabbi Feldman for making this available and for an affordable price
Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Shmueli
Brooklyn, NY
Last year’s course was a game changer for my entire year!! Literally a world of a difference. I am so happy to be part of this!
Rabbi Yossi Soble
Monsey, NY
Rabbi Feldman,
I wanted to say thank you and share positive feedback on your training earlier this year! These are some of the tried and true systems that I implemented in my Kindergarten classroom, inspired by the training.
One theme that has been so helpful is of giving specific and clear instructions, stingy on words
At this point of the year we do not say those expectations aloud, though our davening each and every day is actually beautiful. Before the year started, one of my goals was to have davening that we don't just survive but thrive. I really wanted my students to feel the beauty and ruchnius of davening but knew it would take very practical steps to get there.
Thank you for helping me reach goals that I didn't know I could!
Have a great Shabbos,
Baila Hyman
Philadelphia, PA
If positive discipline is an area where you need to strengthen, this course is a no brainer. If you haven't already attended one of Rabbi Feldman's workshops in the past, you have never seen what dedication, passion, and the relentless pursuit for effective methodology looks like. If you are a school leader who needs to go to the admin or board to get funding for this course, I cannot think of a better investment of your time and effort. The results don't speak for themselves; they scream for themselves.
Rabbi Levi Eisenberg
Shreiber Learning Inc.
Monsey, NY
The course gives a well-rounded idea of the "ideal" mechanech. Each teacher knows their strengths and weaknesses and this course offers the tools that can be used to improve. I personally have learned more what it means to be the leader in my classroom.
Brooklyn, NY
Really fantastic course! BH I thoroughly enjoyed this course and I felt it really gave me the tools to create a healthy class environment and to help my Talmidim grow. I teach Shiur Gimmel Mesivta and felt that the course was very relevant.
Rabbi Yossi Klein
Los Angeles, California
This phenomenal course gives tremendous inspiration and at the same time extremely practical tools to succeed and turn every "problem" into a golden opportunity for life.
I am so thankful and indebted to have been able to join this course. I feel much more confident for this coming year. The only problem was that it was way too short...
Rabbi Nissen Moscowitz
Philadelphia, PA
Rabbi Feldman's course was very worthwhile. It was invigorating to hear from a Chassidishe melamed how to inspire and build any Talmid and with a lot of practical classroom advice.
Rabbi Eli S.
Toronto, Ontario
This is an essential course for every new teacher! The concepts are solid, practical, and inspiring. I wrote my own notes and made the methods a reality in my classroom. It set me on a path for life, I look at every child with completely new eyes. This course should be mandatory in every Lubavitch school, the Hashkafos of the sessions alone are just invaluable.
Monsey, NY
Going through Rabbi Feldman's course, I learned a new language, a language of love, devotion, balance, guidance and building. A language called - Chinuch!
It was wonderful sitting so many hours with an in the field Mechanech. Thank you, Rabbi Feldman.
Rabbi Yosef W.
Brooklyn, NY
This class has changed my entire approach to discipline. my students and I are now on the same team with the same goals. I highly recommend this course even to those that think they knew all about "controlling" a class, because controlling a class isn't how we are mechanech children to make the right choices.
Boston, MA
לכל מאן דבעי למידע.
הנה הרב לוי (בן הרב דוד) פלדמן שיחי', מודע לי ומכירו מאז ומקדם , כשלמד אצלינו כתלמיד במתיבתא בהתמדה ובכשרון לב, ובמשך השנים עלה במדריגה מתלמיד למלמד, מחנך בחסד עליון וב"ה מצליח בזה, כפי שאני רואה שנה אחר שנה מהתלמידים שלמדו אצלו כתה ח' , ובאים ללמוד אצלינו במתיבתא , ובפרטי גם הבן יניק שלי למד אצלו בחשק, ולאחרונה גם עוזר ומדריך לאברכים הרוצים לגשת למלאכת הקודש הלזו , לחנך בני ישראל, אז אמינא פעלא טבא , ויישר חילך לאורייתא, ושתצליח לחנך ולייסד ילדי ישראל על פי רוח ישראל סבא, ואז נוכל להצביע ולומר ראו גידולים שגידלנו.
בכבוד ובברכה
הרב זושא ווילהעלם
מנהל מתיבתא אהלי תורה
Brooklyn, NY
דברי תודה והערכה להרה"ח הרה"ת ר' לוי שי' פלדמן
לפני כמה שבועות כאשר נודע לי, שעבור בני המסיים כתה ח' , מחכים ב' חגיגות, הא' סיום מסכת מכות בליל שישי, והשנית חג הסיום בבוקרו של יום ראשון עמד לפני דילמה לא קטנה. כהורה שגר מחוץ לעיר ונסיעה לנ.י זה מרחק של 3-4 שעות, אני צריך לבחור באיזה חגיגה חשוב יותר להשתתף, סיום המסכת או חג הסיום? פניתי למלמד ר' לוי שי', וענה בפשטות, אם הלימוד של בנך חשוב בעיניך, אז אין שאלה שסיום המסכת צריך להיות בעדיפות ראשונה. האמת, שלאחר שהשתתפתי אתמול בסעודת הסיום, פלא עבורי, שבכלל באתי לידי ספק. למרות שהנסיעה הלוך וחזור לא הי' קל כלל וחזרתי הביתה אחר חצות הלילה, אני שמח שהשתתפתי, לא רק בגלל שהי' חשוב עבורי להיות מעורב בחינוך בני, והי' חשוב עבור בני שיראה שאביו מתעניין בחינוך שלו, אלא בגלל שראיתי במו עיני, מחנך מצטיין, שחי ונושם חינוך במשך כל שעות המעת לעת.
קצר היריעה לרשום התרשמותי לטובה מהמלמד ר' לוי, אבל הנני מרגיש חובה לרשום הדברים הבאים, לא רק להכיר תודה אליו, אלא כדי שממנו יראו וכן יעשו, ללמוד פרק בחינוך על טהרת הקודש.
ראיתי מלמד שיש לו חיות בלימוד התורה, ויש לו חיות מיוחדת להנחיל מידה זו בתלמידיו.
ראיתי מלמד שאוהב כל אחד מתלמידיו, וראיתי תלמידים שבלי יוצא מן הכלל רוחשים כבוד והערכה למלמד.
ראיתי מלמד שכפי ראות עיני הצליח עם כל אחד מתלמידיו בלי יוצא מן הכלל. מכ"ד תלמידים שלמדו בכתה, כולם בלי יוצא מן הכלל שמחו בשמחה אמתית לגמרה של תורה.
ואחרון אחרון חביב, ר' לוי העניק לכל אחד מתלמיד תעודה המעידה על הצלחתם בלימוד בשקידה והתמדה, ר' לוי השקיע המון מרץ ומחשבה למצוא דברים מיוחדים לדבר אודות הייחודיות של כל אחד מתלמידיו. ראיתי הפנים המאירות שכל אחד מהתלמידים וראיתי המאור פנים של המלמד כלפי כל אחד מהתלמידים וזה נגע מאוד לליבי.
אשרי המוסד חינוך שר' לוי נמנה על מחנכיו, אשרי ההורים שזכו שר' לוי חינך ילדיהם, ואשרי כל חסידי חב"ד שיש לנו מחנכים ברמה של ר' לוי.
מתוך כבוד והערכה
אברהם שטרנברג
New London, CT